Singing Guide: Amy MacDonald

Singing Guide: Amy MacDonald

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Amy MacDonald

Amy MacDonald is a Scottish singer-songwriter known for her unique voice and catchy folk-rock tunes. Her career took off in 2007 with the release of her debut album, "This Is the Life," which earned her both critical acclaim and popular success. In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Amy MacDonald.

Amy MacDonald's Vocal Technique

Amy MacDonald has a distinctive vocal style that blends elements of folk, rock, and pop. Her voice has a natural twang that comes from her Scottish accent. To sing like Amy MacDonald, you should focus on the following elements:

  1. Twang: To replicate Amy MacDonald's vocal twang, practice the "How to Twang Exercise" from Singing Carrots.
  2. Resonance: Amy MacDonald's voice has a lot of resonance, particularly in her lower range. Practice "Resonance in Singing" from Singing Carrots to develop a similar resonance in your own voice.
  3. Pronunciation: Amy MacDonald's Scottish accent gives her voice a unique sound. Pay attention to the way she pronounces words and try to emulate her accent in your own singing.

Amy MacDonald's Songs

To learn to sing like Amy MacDonald, it's essential to study her songs. Here are a few of her hits to get you started:

  1. "This Is the Life": This signature song is a great example of Amy MacDonald's folk-rock style. Pay attention to the way she uses her twang and resonance in the chorus.
  2. "Mr. Rock & Roll": This song is a bit more upbeat and features a catchy melody that's easy to sing along to.
  3. "Dream On": This song showcases Amy MacDonald's ability to convey emotion through her singing. Listen to the way she uses dynamics to build tension throughout the song.

Practical Advice

In addition to studying Amy MacDonald's technique and songs, here are a few practical tips to keep in mind:

  1. Breathe from your diaphragm: Amy MacDonald has excellent breath support, which allows her to sustain long notes and sing with power. Practice "Breath Support" from Singing Carrots to improve your breath control.
  2. Open your mouth and throat: Singing with an open mouth and throat helps to create a fuller, richer sound. Practice "Opening Mouth & Throat While Singing" from Singing Carrots to improve your technique.
  3. Find your vocal range: Knowing your vocal range can help you choose songs that suit your voice and avoid straining. Take the "Vocal Range Test" from Singing Carrots to determine your range.

Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots has a wealth of resources to help you improve your singing. Here are a few that are particularly relevant to learning to sing like Amy MacDonald:

By following the tips and resources outlined in this article, you'll be well on your way to learning to sing like Amy MacDonald. Keep practicing and always strive to improve your technique and style. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.